Elgin area doctor describes the allergy patch test
Patients who are struggling with contact dermatitis issues may be unaware of what is causing their allergic reactions. When hives and itching become a regular issue for patients, it may be due to an allergen they are encountering every day. This may be a specific medication, preservative, dye, metal, or other material that may be problematic. Dr. Noga Askenazi and the staff of Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates and Food Allergy Center of Illinois may discuss with patients the benefits of undergoing allergy patch testing.
Elgin area patients who are interested in finding the reason for their contact dermatitis are welcome to contact our practice to book an appointment. At this visit, patients will be able to learn about allergic skin irritations and understand how they can develop reactions over the course of several days. Allergy patch testing is often recommended because it can narrow down the allergen and give patients an idea of what they should avoid contact with to clear up their conditions.
Patch testing does not involve needles like most allergy testing does. Instead, this method of testing requires the doctor to place extracts of specific substances onto patches that are then applied onto the skin. These patches are left on the skin for approximately two days, and then patients return to the practice to have them removed. With removal, the doctor will be able to see areas of irritation, which may be an indication of a possible allergic reaction. Because the skin is sensitive, and the doctor wants to get accurate results, patients may be advised to avoid bathing or sweating.
A patch test is a safe, effective, and popular way for Elgin area patients to discover the cause for their itching skin. The doctor may make this recommendation when patients are unsure of what is causing recurring reactions. Once patients know what they are allergic to, they can avoid these substances to ensure their skin problems subside, and their quality of life improves.
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