Relief from allergy symptoms is an appointment away, with reliable testing for kids in Elgin IL

Allergies and allergy-induced asthma affect all ages. However, children are more sensitive than adults to some substances and are more vulnerable to some conditions than their older counterparts.
For example, 80 percent of kids with asthma also have allergies. Dr. Noga Askenazi and the staff may use lung function testing to aid in the diagnosis of your child’s breathing troubles. Your son or daughter will be asked to breathe into a tube attached to a spirometer. This machine collects information related to how your child breathes. These measurements are used to identify the cause of disordered breathing. From there, the doctors will design a treatment plan.
Since allergic asthma is so prevalent among children, the specialists will accurately determine which allergens to avoid. Food is a common source of allergic symptoms. In fact, 8 percent of children younger than age 6 will develop food allergies.
A food challenge may be ordered. Your child will ingest a small amount of the suspected allergen or food protein as directed by and under the supervision of Dr. Askenazi and the staff. They will monitor potential reactions to these tiny food extracts. Safe when in a controlled environment, such challenges are also considered the “gold standard” to diagnose food allergies.
Food allergies are the leading cause of a particularly severe type of reaction. Known as anaphylaxis, this allergic reaction can result in low blood pressure, a rapid or weak pulse, rashes, nausea and vomiting, and dizziness and fainting.
Common anaphylactic triggers include:
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts like almonds, cashews
- Wheat
- Shellfish
- Fish
- Milk
- Eggs
- Soy
The above triggers account for 90 percent of all childhood allergic reactions.
Skin and blood tests may rule out food allergies. With the skin prick test, a small amount of the suspected allergen is applied via a slight, painless puncture to the skin. A raised, red or itchy bump indicates the substance is responsible for allergic symptoms. With the patch test, an extract of the suspected allergen is applied to the skin via adhesive patches. The doctors will check for irritation and other telltale signs of allergies at the patch sites.
With blood testing, a small sample is drawn to test for the presence of antibodies associated with allergic reactions. This method gauges the immune system’s response to specific, suspected triggers and may clarify results from skin tests.
Generally, skin tests are reliable for diagnosing pollen, animal dander, dust mites, and other airborne allergens. Food allergies are complex, so skin testing alone may not suffice. Food challenges and elimination diets may be suggested. Blood testing is an alternative for kids who are not suitable candidates for skin tests due to severe eczema or a history of very serious allergic reactions.
Children may also be allergic to penicillin and other medications, and wasps, hornets, and other insects. Drugs and insects are associated with anaphylactic reactions.
Keep in mind 20 percent of pediatric patients will outgrow a diagnosed peanut allergy. The doctors love to use oral challenges to prove these allergies no longer pose a threat to the child’s health.
There are many allergy testing options for kids in Elgin IL. Schedule an appointment at the local office of the Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates and Food Allergy Center of Illinois. Call (847) 888-8802.
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