It is possible to end or significantly reduce many types of allergies with immunotherapy. This technique, also known as allergy shots, is highly effective. It prevents allergic reactions by inhibiting the individual’s immune reaction to specific triggers. This therapy can prevent coughing, wheezing, post-nasal drip, itchy or puffy eyes, headaches, sinus problems and more.
Immunotherapy allergy treatment works by reducing a person’s sensitivity to certain substances through carefully calculated exposure. Gentle injections are administered at regular intervals, beginning with a very low concentration of the allergen and gradually progressing. This treatment is FDA approved, and it can help prevent the development of asthmatic conditions.
At Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates S.C., we strictly adhere to the latest treatment guidelines, for safe, effective, and fast treatment. We can help our patients find relief in a matter of months; there is no need to ensure weekly shots for years.
The many benefits of this advanced procedure include:
- Decreased need for allergy medicine
- Cost effective in the long-term, due to reduced expenses for ongoing treatments
- It can stop new allergies from developing in children
- Individuals suffering from allergic asthma can see a reduction in asthmatic symptoms
- Immunotherapy may reduce a person’s chances of developing asthma by as much as 50 percent
- No other option for treating allergies is considered curative
- You can enjoy long lasting relief from the misery of allergies
Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates S.C. is proud to offer a safe, accelerated treatment schedule, so that you can get on with enjoying your life. This method of treatment achieves amazing results for children and adults alike.
Any individual with allergies to insect venom, such as that of bees, hornets, yellow jackets, or wasps, may be a good candidate for immunotherapy. It is highly effective in combatting this type of allergy. Research has shown that this allergy treatment technique can safely decrease a person’s risk of potentially fatal reactions to stings by as much as 95 percent. We advise anyone with potential venom allergies to carry an Epi-pen at all times – it can be lifesaving in an emergency.
If you are interested in fast, long lasting relief from allergies, call (847) 888-8802 and schedule an appointment at one of our three convenient locations (Crystal Lake or Elgin to find out if immunotherapy is right for you.
Learn to Use A Lifesaving Epipen

EPIPEN is the first line of treatment for severe allergic reactions. It is a prescription injection of a controlled dose of epinephrine. This drug narrows blood vessels and opens airways. EpiPen is an emergency measure to counteract life-threatening allergic reactions to medications, insect bites, and foods.
The body’s immune system is designed to seek out and destroy harmful organisms. Food allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to a harmless protein, usually in peanuts, eggs, fish, wheat, milk, shellfish, and soy.
Symptoms of severe food allergies that warrant an EpiPen injection include hives, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, problems breathing, or feeling faint.
How to use the EpiPen.
Grasp the auto-injector in your fist Pointing the tip downward.
Remove the safety cap.
Place the injector tip against the outer thigh.
The injection may be given through clothing.
Push the pin firmly against the leg until it clicks. This releases the needle and dose of epinephrine.
Hold in place for 10 seconds.
Remove pen and massage thigh gently.
Place pen, needle first, into carrying tube and re-cap it.
Seek emergency attention right away. The dose lasts only 10 to 20 minutes.
The pen is single-use, but bring it to the ER to indicate the dose given. Refill the prescription promptly after returning home.
Please take time now to empower yourself with knowledge of when and how to use the EpiPen. During a severe allergic reaction, seconds count. Advanced Allergy and Asthma Associates cares about your safety.