Can Asthma be Cured at an Early Stage?

Asthma can have a significant impact on your overall quality of life. It can make it difficult for you to breathe, make it hard to spend time in certain situations, and it impact your relationship with your family and friends.
If you are living in Crystal Lake or Elgin, Illinois, and want to find out if asthma can be cured early, Dr. Askenazi and the Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates, Inc team have listed a few important points to be considered regarding asthma.
What Is Asthma?
There are many causes of asthma. Some people develop asthma when they exercise, while others develop asthma when exposed to certain temperatures. Allergy-induced asthma is one of the most common forms.
If you have asthma, you have an inflammatory condition that can cause the airways in your lungs to swell and close. This can make it difficult for you to breathe. Even though asthma frequently presents in children, it can impact people of all ages.
The Symptoms Can Be Controlled
The sooner asthma is diagnosed, the faster the treatment process can begin. Even though asthma cannot be cured, symptoms can be controlled with appropriate care. A trained professional can work with you to identify potential triggers that make your asthma worse. Then, you can develop a lifestyle plan to avoid them.
A medical professional can also prescribe specific treatments to control inflammation and keep the airways open. While albuterol is one of the most common treatments, there are other options as well. Some medicines are designed to stop an asthma attack in progress, while others are meant to prevent future symptomatic exacerbations from taking place.
Rely on Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates, Inc for Help with Allergy Induced Asthma
If you are looking for a doctor who can help you treat asthma, rely on the experienced team at Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates S.C. Dr. Askenazi and the team are always available to work with you. Instead of taking a cookie-cutter approach, our team will help you customize your treatment plan to meet your needs. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, contact us today to make an appointment at our offices in Crystal Lake or Elgin, Illinois, by calling (847) 888-8802.
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